List of Leap Years – Past & Future Leap Years – 2024 A Leap Year

Leap years occur nearly every four years and are essential to our calendar system. Adding an extra day to the calendar, February 29, helps align our calendar with the seasons. But why and when do we have leap years? Here is an explanation of the leap year cycle, a list of leap years, and past and future leap years.

List of Leap Years: What Is a Leap Year?

A leap year is a year that has one extra Day added to the calendar. February 29. This happens nearly every four years when the calendar year has 366 days instead of the usual 365 days. Leap years keep our calendar synchronized with the astronomical year and seasons by adding this extra Day.

What Is a Leap Year?
What Is a Leap Year?

Since it takes about 365 1/4 days for the Earth to complete its orbit around the sun, leap years are necessary. So, if our calendar did not add an extra day every four years, the seasons would drift over time, including a different February 29 every four years to realign the calendar with the equinoxes and solstices.

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The Gregorian Calendar Leap Year Rules

Our current Gregorian calendar determines which years are leap years based on the following rules:

  • A year must be divisible by 4 to be a leap year. For example, 2020 and 2024 are leap years.
  • However, years divisible by 100 are not leap years, with one exception (see following rule). So 1900 and 2100 are not leap years.
  • Years divisible by 400 are leap years, even if divisible by 100. Therefore, 2000 and 2400 are leap years.

To summarize, leap years happen in all years divisible by 4, except those divisible by 100 and 400. This keeps the average length of the calendar year at 365.2425 days, which closely matches the astronomical year.

Gregorian Calendar
Gregorian Calendar

When Did Leap Years Begin?

The concept of the leap year and adding an extra day to align the calendar goes back over 2000 years. The ancient Roman calendar had 355 days, with an additional 22 or 23-day month added occasionally to keep the months aligned with the seasons.

The Julian calendar, introduced by Julius Caesar around 45 BCE, refined this system. The Julian calendar had 365 days, with an extra day added to February every four years. This brought the average calendar year to 365.25 days, close to the astronomical year of 365.2422 days.

Since its introduction in 1582, the Gregorian calendar has been the accepted calendar system over the globe. It refined the leap year rules to match the astronomical year more accurately. This is done by omitting leap years in years divisible by 100 unless also divisible by 400.

In summary, the concept of leap years dates back over 2000, with the Gregorian calendar implementing the most accurate system.

Recent and Upcoming Leap Years

Here is a list of recent leap years from 1896 up to the present and upcoming leap years through to 2096:

Recent leap years:

  • 1896
  • 1904
  • 1908
  • 1912
  • 1916
  • 1920
  • 1924
  • 1928
  • 1932
  • 1936
  • 1940
  • 1944
  • 1948
  • 1952
  • 1956
  • 1960
  • 1964
  • 1968
  • 1972
  • 1976
  • 1980
  • 1984
  • 1988
  • 1992
  • 1996
  • 2000
  • 2004
  • 2008
  • 2012
  • 2016
  • 2020
  • 2024
Recent and Upcoming Leap Years
Recent and Upcoming Leap Years

Upcoming leap years:

  • 2028
  • 2032
  • 2036
  • 2040
  • 2044
  • 2048
  • 2052
  • 2056
  • 2060
  • 2064
  • 2068
  • 2072
  • 2076
  • 2080
  • 2084
  • 2088
  • 2092
  • 2096

As you can see, up to the present, all years divisible by four have been leap years, except for those also divisible by 100 (such as 1900 and 2100). This pattern will continue, with all years divisible by four being leap years, except years divisible by 100 but not 400.

Leap Year Trivia

Here are some interesting facts and trivia about leap years and February 29:

  • Any birthday that falls on February 29 is called a “leap day birthday.” People born on leap days get to celebrate their birthday only once every four years officially.
  • About 4 million people worldwide have leap day birthdays. Some famous leaplings include motivational speaker Tony Robbins and rapper Ja Rule.
  • February 29 is also referred to as leap day. There’s even a movie called Leap Day starring Amy Adams and Natalie Morales.
  • Leaplings (people born on leap days) commonly celebrate their birthdays on February 28 or March 1 in non-leap years. Some also choose to celebrate on the closest weekend to February 29.
  • Greece and Denmark have unique traditions regarding leap years. In Greece, it’s considered unlucky for couples to marry during a leap year, while in Denmark, it’s traditional for women to propose to men on leap years.
  • Leap years synchronize the calendar year with the tropical year, the time it takes for a complete revolution around the sun and back to the equinoxes. The low year is about 365.2422 days long.
  • Without leap years, the calendar would drift off course by approximately one Day every four years. After 100 years, the calendar would be about 24 days off course.
  • Leap years keep the calendar aligned with the seasons. Without them, the summer and winter solstices would eventually fall out of sync with June and December.

Calculating Dates in Leap Years

The main change when working with dates in leap years is that February has 29 days instead of the usual 28. So, for example:

  • January 1 to February 28 is 59 days in a leap year.
  • February 29th is the 60th day
  • March 1st is the 61st day

It would help if you accounted for the extra February 29 when counting days or calculating future/past dates in a leap year.

Some examples:

  • 100 days after January 1st is April 10th in a leap year
  • 200 days before December 31 is June 17
  • The 157th Day of a leap year is June 5

In summary, the most important thing to remember when calculating dates in a leap year is that February has 29 days, so you must add the extra February 29.

When Do Leap Years Occur?
When Do Leap Years Occur?

When Do Leap Years Occur?

To quickly determine if a year is a leap year, you can use the following rules:

  • Leap years are any years divided equally by 4, such as 2004, 2008, 2012, etc.
  • However, years divisible by 100 are not leap years, so 1900 and 2100 are NOT leap years.
  • Unless…the year is also divisible by 400. So 2000 and 2400 ARE leap years.


  • 2020 is divisible by 4, so it is a leap year
  • 2021 is not divisible by 4, so it is NOT a leap year
  • 2100 is divisible by 100, so it is NOT a leap year
  • 2000 is divisible by 400, so it IS a leap year

In summary, leap years occur every year evenly divisible by 4, except those divisible by 100 but not 400. This keeps the calendar aligned precisely with the astronomical year and seasons.

Why Do We Need Leap Years?

Leap years are essential in keeping our calendar synchronized with the tropical year. Here are some of the main reasons we need leap years:

  • Without leap years, the calendar would slowly drift out of alignment with the seasons. Eventually, December would occur during summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • Leap years keep dates aligned with astronomical events like solstices and equinoxes. These must remain consistent for agriculture, seasonal preparedness, and cultural practices.
  • The extra Day also keeps our calendar weeks and weekdays consistent. With leap years, we would gain synchronization of dates with days of the week.
  • Leap years keep the calendar aligned with the Julian day system used by astronomers, simplifying date calculations. The Julian day number advances by one each calendar day.

In summary, leap years are critical in keeping calendars accurate and aligned culturally, agriculturally, and astronomically.

Why February 29?

One interesting question is why the extra Day during leap years occurs in February. Why is February 29 the leap day instead of a different month?

There are a few reasons:

  • In the original Roman calendar, February was the last month of the year. So, adding the extra Day at the end kept the rest of the year aligned.
  • February is the shortest month, so adding an extra day impacts the length of other months the least.
  • Adding a leap day to February keeps the vernal equinox around March 20th/21st.
  • The tradition was continued when the Gregorian calendar was introduced in the late 16th century.

Based on history, convenience, and astronomical alignment, we are adding February 29 as the leap day causes the least disruption to the calendar system.

Leap Day Proposals and Weddings

As mentioned previously, there are some unique traditions associated with leap years and leap days:

  • In many European countries, it’s traditional for women to propose marriage to men in leap years. Greece and Denmark have legal allowances for women to present on February 29 during leap years.
  • Some women plan elaborate marriage proposals on leap days, including planning festivals, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, and surprise parties to propose to their partner.
  • In leap years, many jewelers report seeing 4-8 times increases in engagement ring sales in February and March.
  • Leap day weddings are also famous for couples who want to do something unique. Hotels and wedding venues charge more for February 29th weddings during leap years.

So, the tradition of women proposing on leap day has significantly impacted modern courtship rituals and wedding planning. Many couples see Leap Day proposals and weddings as a fun, quirky experience.

Impact on Birthdays and Anniversaries

As mentioned, people born on February 29 are called leaplings or leapers. Some unique things about Leap Day birthdays include:

  • Leaplings often joke about being younger than their chronological age since they’ve only had a fraction of as many birthdays.
  • Those with February 29th birthdays sometimes celebrate on February 28 or March 1 during common years. Others celebrate on the closest weekend to Leap Day instead.
  • Official government documents and IDs often list February 28 as the observed birthday during non-leap years.
  • Leaplings celebrate their “leapling anniversary” only once every four years.

So, a leap day birthday can create some fun quirks regarding legal documents, celebrations, observances, and age calculations.

Leap Years in Other Calendars

The worldwide Gregorian calendar has precise rules for adding leap years to keep it closely aligned with the astronomical calendar. But how do other calendar systems handle the issue of leap years?

Leap Years in Other Calendars
Leap Years in Other Calendars

Here are some examples:

  • The Jewish calendar has 12 lunar months and adds an extra leap month approximately seven times every 19 years. This keeps it aligned with the solar cycle.
  • The Iranian calendar also uses leap years and adds a leap day to the last month of the year (Esfand) every four years. However, their calendar calculation diverges from the Gregorian, making future dates differ.
  • The Islamic calendar is solely lunar, so it does not need leap years. But the months shift each year relative to the Gregorian calendar.
  • The Chinese calendar has a leap month approximately every three years. A leap month is added based on complex rules involving the new moons and the sun’s position relative to correlated signs on the zodiac.

So, most calendar systems add leap years or months, but the specifics differ. The Gregorian system has been refined to keep pace with the tropical year precisely.

Leap Years in the Future

We can calculate leap years far into the future based on the Gregorian calendar rules.

Here is a list of leap years up to the year 10,000:

  • 2028
  • 2032
  • 2036
  • 2040
  • 2044
  • 2048
  • 2052
  • 2056
  • 2060
  • 2064
  • 2068
  • 2072
  • 2076
  • 2080
  • 2084
  • 2088
  • 2092
  • 2096
  • 2104
  • 2108
  • 2112
  • 2116
  • 2120
  • 2124
  • 2128
  • 2132
  • 2136
  • 2140
  • 2144
  • 2148
  • 2152
  • 2156
  • 2160
  • 2164
  • 2168
  • 2172
  • 2176
  • 2180
  • 2184
  • 2188
  • 2192
  • 2196
  • 2204

(List truncated after 2204…)

This covers the leap years for nearly two hundred years into the future. The pattern continues as expected, with all years exactly divisible by four being leap years, except those divisible by 100 but not 400.

Summary of Leap Years

In summary:

  • Leap years occur nearly every four years to align the calendar with the astronomical year.
  • February 29 is added as a leap day to minimize disruption to the calendar.
  • Unless they are divisible by 100 but not 400, years divisible by 4 are leap years.
  • Leap years help synchronize the tropical year of 365.2422 days with our calendar.
  • Without leap years, the calendar would quickly fall out of sync with the seasons.
  • Leap day traditions exist, like women proposing on February 29 during leap years.
  • The Gregorian calendar has precise rules for adding leap years compared to other calendar systems.

So that covers the history, rules, traditions, and future occurrences of leap years. The addition of February 29 nearly every four years helps maintain accuracy in our annual calendar.


1: What is the baby born on leap year called?

In a leap year, babies born on February 29 are called “leaplings” or “leapers.”

2: Why is February 29 called leap year?

February 29 is a leap day because it’s the extra Day added to the calendar during a leap year to keep it aligned with the astronomical year.

3: What are the last ten leap years?

The last ten leap years were 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, and 2028.

4: Is leap year every ten years?

Leap years occur nearly every four years, not every ten years. Leap years happen in years divisible by 4, except most century years.

5: Why is 2024 not a leap year?

2024 is a leap year. Years divisible by 4 are leap years, and 2024 is divisible by 4, so it will be a leap year.

6: What are the three rules for leap years?

The three rules for leap years are:

  1. Years divisible by 4 are leap years
  2. Except for years divisible by 100, are not leap years
  3. Unless the year is also divisible by 400
7: Who invented leap year?

Leap years originated with the ancient Roman calendar, adding an extra month every few years. The current rules were formalized when the Gregorian calendar was instituted in 1582.

8: Is leap year lucky or unlucky?

Opinions differ! Some consider leap years lucky, while others see them as unlucky. In many cultures, leap days are associated with bad luck, but in some places like Greece, leap years are considered good luck for marriage.

9: Is February 2024 a leap year?

Since 2024 is divisible by 4, February 2024 will have 29 days, making it a leap year.

11: Why does February have 28 days?

Initially, in the Roman calendar, February was the last month of the year and had 30 days. When January and February were added, February was shortened to 28 days.

12: How do you calculate a leap year?

To calculate if a year is a leap year, check if it’s divisible by 4. If so, it’s a leap year unless it’s a century year not divisible by 400.

13: Why is February so short?

February is short because it was initially positioned as the last month of the Roman calendar year. Being shortened to 28 days allowed the other months to align with seasons.

14: Which month has 28 days?

February is the only month with 28 days in common years. In leap years, February has 29 days.

15: Why one Day is added in February?

The extra Day is added to February rather than another month because it causes the least disruption to the calendar. As the shortest month, adding a day impacts other months less.

16: Why 12 months instead of 13?

The Roman calendar originally had ten months. January and February were added, but the 12-month system was retained. Twelve months of around 30 days aligns well with the lunar cycle.

17: Is February 29 a rare birthday?

Yes, February 29 is a rare birthday that only occurs every four years. Roughly 4 million people worldwide have February 29 as their birthday.

18: What celebrity is born on February 29?

Famous leap day babies include rapper Ja Rule (1976) and motivational speaker Tony Robbins (1960).

19: What happens if your baby is born on February 29?

Babies born on February 29 may celebrate their birthdays on February 28 or March 1 in common years. Official records often use March 1 as their birthday on non-leap years.

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