Texas Election Results 2024

Welcome to our analysis of the 2024 Texas primary election results.

Major Contests

The presidential primary, Senate battles, House districts, and the gubernatorial showdown.

GOP Nomination Race

The GOP presidential primary in Texas was closely watched. With 161 delegates up for grabs, candidates vied for momentum. Who emerged as the front-runner

Battle for the House

– Dive into competitive House districts like Districts 15, 28, and 34. Incumbents defend their turf, while challengers aim to flip seats.

 Gubernatorial Election

– The governor’s race is pivotal. Incumbent or challenger? Policies on education, healthcare, and infrastructure hang in the balance.

 Engaged Citizens

 Graphs reveal voter participation. Did Texans turn out in record numbers? We analyze demographics, early voting, and the impact of grassroots movements.

Looking Ahead