The University of Georgia Tuition: A Complete Guide


The University of Georgia is one of the top public universities in the United States, offering world-class academics at an affordable price for in-state students. However, determining the actual cost of attending UGA can be complicated, given the variety of tuition rates, student fees, housing costs, and other expenses.

In this guide from Digital News Planet, we will break down everything you need to know about University of Georgia tuition and fees. You’ll learn:

  • Current tuition and fee rates for in-state and out-of-state UGA students
  • Estimated total cost of attendance
  • Overview of financial aid and scholarship options
  • Payment plans and student loans to help fund your education
  • Cost-saving tips to make UGA more affordable

Whether you’re an undergraduate, graduate or international student, You may better grasp the actual cost of attending the University of Georgia and create a budget using this information. Let’s start by looking at current UGA tuition rates and required fees.

University of Georgia Tuition for In-State Students

For in-state undergraduate students, University of Georgia tuition is determined by the number of credit hours you are enrolled in each semester. The standard undergraduate tuition rate for the 2023-2024 academic year is $324 per credit hour.

Tuition for a full-time course load of 12 credits each semester would come to $3,888 per term. Over the typical Fall and spring semesters, full-time in-state tuition totals $7,776 annually.

In addition to tuition, all UGA students must pay mandatory student fees each term. These fees help fund campus facilities, student organizations and other services. For in-state undergrads, the required fees are $1,338 per semester or $2,676 per year.

This brings the total base tuition and fees for full-time in-state undergraduates to $10,452 annually at the University of Georgia. Financial aid like the HOPE Scholarship for Georgia residents offset this cost.

For in-state graduate students, UGA tuition rates for 2023-2024 are $508 per credit hour or $6,096 for a full 12-credit course load. Required fees are $1,466 per semester, bringing total tuition and fees to $14,124 per year.

Let’s compare this to out-of-state tuition costs next.

University of Georgia Tuition
University of Georgia Tuition

Out-of-state tuition at the University of Georgia

Out-of-state students face higher University of Georgia tuition costs, as is typical at public universities. For 2023-2024, undergraduate tuition is $1,122 per credit hour for non-Georgia residents. Over a full courseload, out-of-state tuition is $13,464 per semester or $26,928 annually.

With mandatory fees, total undergraduate tuition and out-of-state student fees come to $30,176 per year. This is nearly triple the in-state cost!

For out-of-state graduate students, UGA tuition is $1,383 per credit hour or $16,596 per semester. The total graduate tuition and fees run to $34,658 for non-Georgia residents.

Next, let’s look beyond just tuition and fees at the total estimated cost of attendance for UGA students.

Estimated Total Cost of Attendance

University of Georgia tuition and fees are just a portion of the total cost for students. You must also budget for room and board, transportation, and personal expenses, including books and materials.

For in-state students living on campus, UGA estimates the total cost of attendance for 2023-2024 at:

  • Undergraduate: $28,446 per year
  • Graduate: $31,842 per year

For out-of-state students, budget for the following total costs:

  • Undergraduate: $51,654 per year
  • Graduate: $50,986 per year

These amounts cover tuition and fees plus the average cost of room and board ($11,950), books and supplies ($1,200), transportation ($1,090), and personal expenses ($2,100). Costs are lower for commuter students not living on campus.

To make attending UGA possible, apply for financial aid and scholarships to help cover these costs.

Financial Aid and Scholarship Options at UGA

University of Georgia
University of Georgia

Given the high cost of attendance, most students rely on some combination of financial aid and scholarships to pay their University of Georgia tuition and other expenses.

The main form of financial aid for Georgia residents is the HOPE Scholarship, which pays full in-state tuition for undergrads who meet GPA eligibility requirements. Some merit-based scholarships like the Zell Miller offer top students full tuition coverage plus stipends.

Beyond the HOPE, UGA offers many need-based grants, work-study programs, and subsidized student loans. The most common form of federal aid is the Pell Grant, which provides up to $6,895 for the 2023-2024 award year based on financial need.

UGA also distributes hundreds of scholarships for undergrad and graduate students based on merit, athletic or musical talents, field of study, and more. Be sure to check the UGA Scholarship Portal for opportunities.

International students face higher UGA costs but need help accessing federal aid programs. Limited scholarships are available, along with graduate assistantships that provide discounted tuition.

Managing the Cost through Payment Plans

Even with financial aid and scholarships, you will likely need to cover some of the University of Georgia costs with personal or family funds. UGA offers payment plan options to help spread out the impact over each semester.

Students can divide their balance into three payments for due dates in Fall and Spring semesters. There is a $75 enrollment fee but no interest charges. It would help if you enrolled in the payment plan each semester separately.

During the summer term, students can opt for a two-payment plan split halfway through the semester. The enrollment fee drops to $40 for this shorter payment plan.

Setting up a payment plan helps avoid paying the entire balance due at once. Just be sure to have the funds ready before each due date to avoid late fees.

Student Loans for Funding UGA Tuition

Many students take out student loans to help pay their share of University of Georgia tuition after gift aid and scholarships are applied. Federal Direct Loans have lower interest rates and more flexible repayment options than private loans.

Undergraduates can borrow up to $5,500 to $12,500 per year in Direct Loans, with higher income levels qualifying for the more significant amounts. Graduate students are eligible to receive $20,500 each year. Those enrolled in medical or law programs may qualify for higher loan limits.

Consider federal loans first before exploring private lenders. Be cautious when borrowing so your total student debt after graduation remains manageable. Know it will take consistent payments over 10+ years to repay education loans.

Student Loans for Funding UGA Tuition
Student Loans for Funding UGA Tuition

Breakdown of Tuition and Fees by Student Type

Now that you’ve got an overview of UGA tuition rates and the various financing options, let’s break it all down by student type for quick reference:

In-State Undergraduate Students

  • Tuition: $324 per credit hour
  • Fees: $1,338 per semester
  • Estimated Total Cost: $28,446 per year
  • Key Aid Sources: HOPE Scholarship, Pell Grant

Out-of-State Undergraduate Students

  • Tuition: $1,122 per credit hour
  • Fees: $1,366 per semester
  • Estimated Total Cost: $51,654 per year
  • Key Aid Sources: Merit scholarships, student loans

In-State Graduate Students

  • Tuition: $508 per credit hour
  • Fees: $1,466 per semester
  • Estimated Total Cost: $31,842 per year
  • Key Aid Sources: Assistantships, federal loans

Out-of-State Graduate Students

  • Tuition: $1,383 per credit hour
  • Fees: $1,496 per semester
  • Estimated Total Cost: $50,986 per year
  • Key Aid Sources: Merit scholarships, private loans

Review the particular costs and available aid for your situation. Budget wisely and use payment plans to afford this world-class UGA education.

University of Georgia Football
University of Georgia Football

Ways to Reduce Your University of Georgia Costs

Attending the University of Georgia involves significant costs for most students and families. Here are some tips to cut expenses and make your UGA degree more affordable:

  • Live off campus – Steep dorm and meal plan fees increase the total cost. Rent an apartment, and you can pocket much of this overcharge.
  • Buy used textbooks – Shop around online and on campus to pay a fraction of the original price. Rentals are another cost-effective option.
  • Limit entertainment costs – It’s tempting to spend less on eating out, events and travel. Set a budget and stick to low-cost activities.
  • Graduate on time – Adding extra semesters results in more tuition payments. Stay on track with classes to finish your degree on schedule.
  • Apply for scholarships – Keep hunting for free aid via the UGA scholarship portal and external programs. Even smaller awards reduce your costs.
  • Work a part-time job – Federal work-study or regular employment provides funds to help cover expenses.
  • Join student organizations – Taking advantage of free or discounted student group offerings saves money on entertainment.

With intelligent planning, you can reduce the overall cost of attending the University of Georgia. Focus your spending only on essential expenses.


Deciphering college costs can be daunting, but understanding University of Georgia tuition and fees is essential for budgeting and financial planning. In-state undergraduates pay $7,776 annually, while out-of-state students face over three times that rate at $26,928 annually. Graduate tuition also varies significantly based on residency status.

Required fees, housing, meals, books and other expenses add thousands more to the total cost of attendance. Thankfully, UGA offers substantial financial aid and scholarship opportunities to help offset expenses, especially for Georgia residents. Federal grants, student loans and payment plans can also make managing UGA costs more feasible.

An outstanding University of Georgia education can be an excellent value with proper planning, hard work, and wise use of available financial aid resources. Carefully calculate your total anticipated UGA costs as you pursue your undergraduate or graduate degree. Thoroughly researching tuition, fees and aid options will prepare you to afford to invest in your future as a proud Georgia Bulldog.

  • How much is UGA tuition per year?

    In-state students’ tuition is $7,776 per year based on a full course load. Out-of-state tuition is $26,928 annually. Required fees include another $2,676 for in-state and $3,248 for out-of-state students.

  • What are the extras beyond tuition?

    Housing, meals, books, transportation, and personal costs total around $13,400 for on-campus undergraduates—budget for these additional expenses.

  • Is UGA expensive for out-of-state students?

    Yes, out-of-state tuition is nearly triple in-state rates. However, competitive non-resident students may qualify for merit scholarships to reduce costs.

  • When is UGA tuition due each semester?

    Payment deadlines are in early August for the Fall term and early January for Spring. Payment plans spread out payments.

  • Does UGA offer academic scholarships?

    UGA has many merit scholarships based on grades, test scores, talents and academics. Browse the UGA scholarship portal.

  • How much financial aid does the average student get?

    Among undergrads, around 70% receive some form of financial aid. But packages vary widely based on need and eligibility.

  • Can international students get financial aid?

    Unfortunately, international students cannot access federal or state financial aid. Very limited UGA scholarships exist, along with graduate assistantships.

  • Are student loans a good idea?

    Federal student loans are preferable to pricier private loans. But it’s wise to borrow conservatively to avoid excessive long-term debt.

  • How much is University of Georgia tuition per year for in-state undergraduate students?

     In-state undergraduate tuition at the University of Georgia is $7,776 per year based on full-time enrollment. This equals $324 per credit hour.

  • What is the tuition rate for out-of-state undergraduate students at UGA?

    Out-of-state undergraduate tuition at UGA is $1,122 per credit hour, which equates to $26,928 per year for a full-time course load.

  • What is the cost per credit hour for in-state graduate students at the University of Georgia?

    In-state graduate tuition at the University of Georgia is $508 per credit hour.

  • How much will out-of-state graduate students pay in tuition each year at UGA?

    Out-of-state graduate students will pay $33,192 per year in tuition at the University of Georgia, based on the rate of $1,383 per credit hour.

  • How much cheaper is in-state tuition compared to out-of-state tuition at UGA?

    In-state tuition at UGA is almost three times cheaper than out-of-state tuition. In-state students pay $7,776 versus $26,928 for undergrads.

  • When is tuition due each semester at the University of Georgia?

    UGA tuition is due at the beginning of each term – early August for the Fall and early January for the Spring semester.

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