Jimmy Carter Health: The Former President’s Wellbeing in His Late 90s


Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, has faced various health issues over the years. At 98 years old, Carter is the longest-living president in American history. His post-presidency has been defined by humanitarian work, political activism, and, most recently, health challenges that have garnered national attention. This article will explore Jimmy Carter’s medical history and the former president’s resilience in illness.

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An Active Humanitarian Post-Presidency

After leaving the White House in 1981, Carter had an active humanitarian career. His Carter Center foundation focused on initiatives including election monitoring, disease eradication and conflict resolution. Carter travelled extensively to oversee and assist with projects. In his 80s and 90s, Carter continued globe-trotting and hands-on volunteer building work with Habitat for Humanity.

Carter prioritized staying active and pursued hobbies like fly fishing, woodworking and skiing. His vigorous travel, work schedule, and healthy lifestyle likely contributed to his longevity. However, Carter has faced various health scares and diagnoses in his late 80s and 90s.

jimmy carter
jimmy carter

Jimmy Carter Health Battles Defy the Odds

At almost 100 years old, Jimmy Carter has survived health scares that would have defeated lesser men. His deep Christian faith and active lifestyle have likely contributed to his resilience. Carter’s determination to keep serving others despite illnesses and injuries is inspiring.

Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

In 2015, when Carter was 90 years old, he had a cancerous melanoma lesion removed from his liver. Carter announced the news at a press conference, saying he felt “perfectly at ease with whatever comes.” This attitude reflected Carter’s deep Christian faith that has shaped his life.

Carter continued teaching Sunday school classes at his church in Georgia, building homes and monitoring overseas elections after the cancer diagnosis. The former president said he was ready for anything, including death, and had led a blessed life.

Carter underwent targeted immunotherapy treatment to fight the melanoma. He responded extremely well, with no observable remaining cancer detected. Carter continued receiving regular drug injections to prevent recurrence and additional metastasized tumours.

Brain Cancer and Surprising Surgical Outcome

jimmy carter Brain Cancer
jimmy carter Brain Cancer

In the summer of 2015, Carter had a serious health scare when he was diagnosed with metastatic brain cancer. Small cancerous masses were detected on his brain. Carter again received immunotherapy-targeted drug treatment.

He also underwent focused radiation therapy to shrink the tumours. The brain cancer diagnosis came after Carter’s recent liver cancer treatment, so it was an extra blow. At that point, Carter was 91 and the oldest living president.

Despite the grim diagnosis, Carter managed to defy the odds yet again. By December 2015, brain scans showed no signs of the tumours. Carter had responded remarkably well to the combination of targeted drug therapy, radiation and possibly his resilience. He continued to thrive in the years following.

A Serious Fall and Recovery

jimmy carter Serious Fall
jimmy carter Serious Fall

In October 2019, when Carter was 95 years old, he suffered a significant fall at his home that resulted in a pelvic fracture. The injury required hip replacement surgery. Given Carter’s advanced age, the fall and surgery triggered severe health concerns. Well-wishes poured in from across the nation, although some speculated it could be the end for the former president.

True to form, Carter refused to be defeated by the fall. He underwent successful hip surgery and physical therapy. Despite using a walker, Carter was determined to continue teaching Sunday school. By November 2019, he was back at church, speaking to attendees from his walker.

Two years later, Carter suffered additional falls in 2021, resulting in more fractures and hospitalizations. But he managed to recover each time. The former president demonstrated exceptional perseverance.

Recent Health Scares Prompt Hospice Enrollment

In early 2022, Carter spent time in the hospital related to COVID-19, as well as additional falls resulting in a head injury. He decided to receive care from hospice services and not travel for treatments. Given Carter’s age, the cumulative effects of health issues had increased over the years.

In 2023, Carter’s health status declined further after multiple hospital stays for infections and other ailments. In February 2023, the Carter Center announced the former president would receive hospice care and discontinue further medical intervention. He chose to spend his remaining time at home with his family.

While difficult news, Carter had defied expectations many times before. The former president approached end-of-life care with grace, faith and gratitude for his entire life. Carter wrote he was “at ease with whatever comes” – the same sentiment he expressed after his cancer diagnosis nearly a decade prior.

Jimmy Carter’s Lasting Legacy

Jimmy Carter leaves behind an immense legacy of humanitarian service and moral leadership. He will be remembered for his post-presidency activism as much as his White House years. Carter showed dogged determination in the face of severe health issues in his late 80s and 90s.

Jimmy Carter's Lasting Legacy
Jimmy Carter’s Lasting Legacy

Despite falls, fractures, cancer diagnoses and hospitalizations, Carter always recovered to resume teaching, building and volunteering. He is an inspiration for age with purpose and faces mortality with courage. Regardless of his remaining time, Carter can proudly reflect on a lifetime dedicated to serving others.


Jimmy Carter leaves an extraordinary legacy as the longest-living president, serving in his 90s. Despite health issues arising from cancer to falls, Carter always recovered and resumed service projects. He approached declining health and mortality with courage, humility and faith.

Carter serves as an inspiration to remain resilient in adversity and never stop pursuing purpose. Though his exact time is unknown, Carter’s spirit and humanitarian work will live on through the countless lives he touched.

  • How old is Jimmy Carter today? 

    As of February 2023, Carter is 98 years old.

  • What major health issues has Jimmy Carter faced? 

    He has battled cancer, undergone brain surgery, suffered pelvic fractures from falls, and most recently struggled with infections.

  • How has Carter’s health impacted his humanitarian work? 

    Despite health declines, Carter has remained dedicated to volunteering, teaching and philanthropic efforts.

  • What has likely contributed to Carter’s longevity? 

    His active lifestyle, healthy habits and positive attitude in the face of adversity may explain his long life.

  • How has Carter handled deteriorating health? 

    He has accepted his condition with grace and faith, choosing hospice care but spending the final time with loved ones.

  • What type of cancer did Jimmy Carter have?

    He had melanoma skin cancer that spread to his liver and brain. 

  • What cancer treatment did he receive? 

    Carter underwent targeted immunotherapy drug treatment, focused radiation therapy to shrink brain tumours, and continued immunotherapy injections.

  • How did Carter respond to cancer treatment?

    He responded very well, with no detectable cancer remaining after focused drug therapy and radiation on his brain tumours.

  •  What injuries has Carter suffered from falls? 

    Central falls resulted in a pelvic fracture and hip replacement in 2019. Further falls in 2021 caused additional fractures. 

  • How did Carter recover after hip surgery at age 95? 

    Carter recovered well enough to resume teaching Sunday school classes within weeks despite using a walker.

  • Has Carter been hospitalized recently? 

    Yes, he has been hospitalized multiple times in 2022-2023 for infections, COVID-19 treatment, and complications from falls.

  • Why did Carter enrol in hospice care? 

    At age 98, with cumulative health effects, Carter chose to discontinue further intensive medical treatment and focus on comfort care.

  • How has Carter handled his declining health? 

    He has faced it with grace, faith in God, and gratitude for his entire service life.

  • Where is Carter spending his remaining time? 

    After multiple recent hospital stays, Carter is receiving hospice care at home, surrounded by his family.

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